Wednesday, June 5, 2013


You know what I think is a huge problem with young girls today? Some of them don't understand the importance of boundaries. Often I will hear stories about girls ages 14-20 (and sometimes older, unfortunately) who call and text their boyfriends constantly. And when I say constantly, I mean incessant "lol"s and "haha"s and "so wat you doin"s and "i'm bored" just never stops, and you can't blame the poor guys for feeling smothered. And as if that weren't bad enough, these text message terrorizing girls are also the type who will often beg their boyfriends to see them everyday and then have the audacity to get all huffy when he says "no, I have other plans" or if--God forbid--he steps back and tries to take a breather. I hear all these things and I'm over here like: "Are you freaking kidding me?" If someone did that to me I would end up lashing out at them eventually. Why? Because I need me time, damn it! I love Eric, but if he tried to get me to spend hours with him everyday I would say no, absolutely not. You need time to do your thing and I need time to do mine. Yes, we are in solid, committed relationship (one that I am certain will last the rest of our lives) but being someone's significant other does not mean that you need to spend every moment of your life with them. It doesn't mean that you need to have all the same interests and do all the same activities. Being someone's "other half" does not mean that you should become that person. In fact, I strongly advise that you don't. You need to be you whether you are single or in a relationship. Having the ability to do this, I think, is the unmistakable mark of an emotionally mature woman.   

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